After decades of shaping surfboards mostly for friends and family, it has been a pleasant surprise to discover how much fun it has been making surfboards for the general public via the Nowtro/Aleutian Juice website. My customers are terrific. Each and every one of them places the surfboard at the center of their lives and reveres the lore and process in which they take shape in dimly lit workshops. I suppose we are each grateful that after the near extinction of the local hand-built custom surfboard, that the craft and its many-storied traditions are enjoying such a fundamentalist resurgence.

Each of my customers has sought me out because they desire not just a certain level of craftsmanship or a particular brand or logo on their surfboard. They want a link to the glorious days when surfers had a say in the design and construction of their most cherished possession. And only a custom surfboard will do that for them.

They want to surf the way they want to surf…

They are the Riders of the Lost Arc…